Student Technology Resources
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About Google Ads
Google adheres to Advertising industry privacy standards. To learn about these standards, including how you can opt out of interest-based advertising from Google and other participating companies, please visit the About Google Ads page. If you want to permanently opt out of the DoubleClick cookie, you can install the DoubleClick opt out extension.
Q: How is Google Apps for Education different than a personal Google account?
A: Google Apps for Education is governed by a detailed Privacy Policy, which ensures we will not inappropriately share or use personal information placed in our systems. Google complies with all applicable US privacy laws, and the Google Apps Terms of Service can specifically detail our obligations and compliance with FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act) regulations. Google is registered with the US-EU Safe Harbor agreement, which helps ensure that our data protection compliance meets European Union standards for educational institutions. FERPA is the big stickler here, as Google really couldn’t offer the service without being FERPA compliant, and they couldn’t run Google Business as usual and still be FERPA compliant. GAFE disables advertisements.